Friday, December 5, 2014

Facebook - Where I Work

For the sake of argument, this blog pertains to public profiles, leaving privacy settings beyond the issue.

I'm rather proud of the fact that my Facebook profile is merely 62% complete. I know the requirements to close in on the remaining percentage, and I also know that Facebook can can kindly fuck off, shareholders included.

My place of employment - to coin the revered term - is my bread and butter. Period. And why would I want to jeopardize my job for the sake of a percentage in the completion of my Facebook profile?

My employer - whom I will not name - is tolerant, benevolent and kind. My boss - who hates being addressed as such - is also my personal friend.

I assert that my current employer is not reflected in any opinions I publicly state, political or otherwise. Even if my employer may be familiar with any of my opinions, they would not be held in any way accountable in the event of blowback.

Blowback is what you get when you make opinionated statements that cause grief. For instance, last night I wanted to post a status comment regarding Tosh.O:

"Anyone who watches Tosh.O is either gay, gay in the closet, or my roommate - who is neither".

Would this comment get me fired? It sure would put me at odds with my roommate, who happens to be a Facebook friend.

Countless people are losing jobs for emitting personal remarks, while such discharges are upheld in a court of law. Seemingly, the only Free in Free Speech on Facebook is a fucking profile account.

Now, I regularly bash Walmart - pretty much because they are assholes from the waist up. I bash the Auto Industry, because they are impeding the profit margins of a start up competitor (Tesla). I even bash the U.S. Government and the cronies who run it. Righteous ridicule is one of my passions.

What I should do is stop bashing employers, because I have friends who actually work for said employers. It would really suck to bash a corporate giant, only to have a friend 'like' the status and end up losing a job. Even the guilt by association bothers me, that my activist posts can lead to trouble for a friend (because my friends are real: I IRL know almost all of my Facebook friends).

So, am I to stop bashing? Fuck no. If you are my friend on Facebook, then you know me personally, and you just happen to know that this is the way I was wired. I am an activist, and an inflammatory writer.

Freedom of Speech is not a dying term - dying are the people who still believe in Free Speech.

As for who I work for - if you dig deep enough into my timeline, you might discover where I work. But you will not see my employers name slip from these fingertips. That admission alone can complicate a business, and a business relationship that includes myself and my well-being.

Where I Work on Facebook?

Go fuck yourself, Facebook. I 'like' my job.

Listening to Makana - We Are The Many

1 comment:

  1. Good points my friend. Many people (prior to this including myself) are largely unaware that their freedom to speak freely has already been trampled on. Nobody should have to speak behind a handle or shadow in order to express their opinions without fear. But we are far beyond that. The question is where do we go from here?
